Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are the most versatile vegetable consumed in Australia today. They can be used in soups, salad, stir-fries, roasts, on the BBQ and in deserts.
At Windhum Farms we not only grow sweet potatoes, we also grow potatoes and pumpkins. Sweet potatoes are grown and harvested all year, while we plant our Sebago potatoes around March. These are usually ready for harvest in early July. Our Jap pumpkins are usually harvested in the winter months, when demand for this product in our southern markets is usually reasonably high.
Year-round production of our sweet potatoes means:
• Consumers can confidently purchase freshly dug sweet potatoes all year.
• Retailers can rely on continuous supply of consistent quality.
• There is no need to store sweet potatoes in cold storage (like other seasonal
fruits and vegetables). This means there is always a fresh, high quality product available on the market.
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